Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nuns on the Bus Discussion

When Nuns get Political

This will be one of my shorter blog posts, but with a message that I believe to be important.  I was watching Bill Moyers and Company on PBS the other night and saw a segment entitled When Nuns get political. It was about the well publicized Nuns on the Bus trip recently carried out by Sr. Simone Campbell and several other Catholic sisters to protest the Paul Ryan budget.   Paul Ryan, the Republican VP candidate is Catholic and claims to speak from the viewpoint of Catholic social teaching, as do the nuns.On Moyer's program he had Sr. Simone engaging in dialogue with Mr. Robert Moyle, A Catholic and a Ryan supporter.  You may agree with Sr. Simone, Mr. Moyle, or neither.  What impressed me most was that this exchange is an example of the kind of civil discussion between people of differing viewpoints that is so needed in our political debate.  I hope that you take the chance to click on the link above.  After watching it, whether you are Republican, Democrat or neither, I hope that you and I can learn from these two fine people.

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