As the pandemic continues and churches re-open slowly I believe that there are lessons to be learned. I am not speaking of lessons to be learned about the virus and restrictions although I do think that too many people failed to understand that federal and state governments were not simply trying to control us. They were, and in some cases, are, trying to protect us. As Catholics we balance the common good with individual rights. Too many folks left out the common good part of the equation.

I am writing this piece to suggest that there are some things we can learn about being Church. Since the Second Vatican Council we have been giving lip service to the fact that WE are the Church, the Body of Christ, the People of God. Do we really believe that if we start making statements about government taking away our right to worship. Granted, the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life for us Catholics. That doesn't mean that when we can't have the Eucharist and the other Sacraments that we are not connected with our God. Scripture teaches us that where two or three are gathered the Lord is in our midst. It also tells us that when we feed the hungry, help the sick, etc. we are doing it for Christ. Then there is the fact that when the Lord at the Last Supper said, "Do This in Memory of Me" He also meant to wash one anothers feet just as He did for us. The Sacraments are not just rituals that we participate in, they are mysteries that we live. We can be a Eucharistic people even if we cannot go to Mass.
To some extent we priests have failed to educate the laity and empower them into living the priesthood of all the faithful. Likewise in helping families to see that they are indeed a domestic church. These are not just words but indeed are the realities of our faith.
When the virus has passed, which won't be for a while yet, I pray that we grow in realizing that Church is not a building but a great mystery that we live every day.
Thank you for this. To me, your posts and blogs are a source of authenticity, faith and reason. The more time passes in this stage of staying home w family, the more I realize what the domestic church really Is! God bless you!