Sunday, June 10, 2012

Everyone's Here

Mountain view from our Hotel

Arrival of Saturday Missionarie
 Good morning! The internet was down last night.  Expect that to happen as the week goes on. We had a great relaxing day and the Saturday travelers arrived for Mass and dinner. The Mass was offered for David Greenway, the brother of Don Greenway, a missionary who could not come  so that he could be with his brother in his illness. Today we get to work. Our Evangelization Team will go along with some of the clinic teams so that we can meet people in the various towns and prepare for the "encuentros" which take place later in the week.

  An encuentro is an all morning or all afternoon event that includes visits to the sick, catechesis, confessions and Mass. The work of the doctors and the other medical people here is truly amazing. I have heard stories of what they accomplished in previous years and look forward to what may happen this year.  One thing that impresses me is that they work with local doctors, clinics and hospitals and respect what they have been doing.
Mass with entire team

More Saturday arrivals
   This afternoon we have a special Mass at the Cathedral called the Garifuna Mass. The Garifuna are black people with an incredible history of arrival in Honduras that began with them being on a capsized slave ship.You might want to Google that word and see what comes up. At any rate if the internet is running I will have a report from that Mass later on.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Johnny, for keeping us all up to date. It is beautiful there, and yet so much need. How I wish I could be with you all. I guess I have my own "medical mission" here.

    Cousin Mary Charles


Moving Out and Moving Ahead Cautiosly