Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is a parish mission

May the Lord give you Peace! Some folks who find there way to this blog and read my profile may wonder, "What is a parish mission?" Basically it is a special preaching event that takes place in Catholic parishes where an outside preacher(s) comes in and guides the parish through a time of spiritual renewal. In Protestant churches it is often called a revival.
The missions that I preach along with my brothers in the Franciscan Ministry of the Word (MOW) involve one or two of us coming to a parish and speaking at all the weekend Masses. On Monday through Wednesday we celebrate a morning Mass with a mission homily and have a one hour service in the evening with prayer, Scripture and presentations on various themes. During the day we may involve ourselves in different ministries of the parish such as religious faith formation of the youth or visitation of the sick. If anyone would like us top come to your parish please go to our website www.franmow.org.

Also check out my podcasts at www.gcast.com/u/frjohn/main

Please keep checking in with this brand new blog. A lot more will follow.

Fr. John

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fr. (my brother) John---this is a very exciting undertaking for you and such a nice way for all of us to be more in touch with your ministry.
    Your Loving Sister, Dot


Moving Out and Moving Ahead Cautiosly